Pen sketch in my journal of Maroon Bells in the Elk Mountains of Colorado.

On a trip to the eastern shore of Maryland, we stayed at St. Michaels. I always take my sketch book with me and a "go bag" with my art essentials. This was the view from our breakfast porch. So beautiful on a rainy day!

For 7 years, my husband and I served on the staff of Ute Trail, a camp that is near Lake City, Colorado. This is a watercolor sketch that I did of the chapel on the property and then I set my brush down for a pen & ink to created an alphabet! I think I will have the alphabet for sale in the shop!

My botanical art friends and I have traveling sketch books between us. It is a great way to encourage one another to be continually sketching and noticing beauty around us. This was the first sketch in my first book!! (we have filled that book and half way through a second already!

This is the mural I painted at Tributary Coffee Roasters in Gunnison, Colorado. They also commissioned me to do the Coffea arabica botanical to go into the mural.